วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is the best kind of fishing line to for bass fishing with a spinning reel?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
I'm realatively new to fishing and I was just wanting some help and thanks in advance for any info.

I use Stren fishing line. I use 4lbs.test with my ultra light reels and rods, 6lbs.test on my light reels, 8lbs.test on my medium reels and rods, and 12lbs. test on my heavy reels and rods. The only time I use the 12lbs is when fishing heavy brush or stick ups. The lighter the line the harder for fish to see. I have caught 10lbs. bass with 4 lbs.test. When using light line be sure to keep drag low to prevent line breaking and to take your time landing the fish. When using the 12 lbs. test or larger you will want to use a 6lbs.test mono filament leader about 16- 20 inches long. I have been using Stren line since the late 70's. I have tried many of the name brands but came back to Stren because it of less problems. Another thing you will want to do is to keep and eye on your line no matter what brand you use near the lure. If you see any nicks or abrasion or feel any abrasion strip off about 6 feet of line and retie. This is where your apt to have line breakage. I always strip
off the last 6 feet when I'm done fishing so the next time I go I'm ready to start fishing. I have fished many different types of water and conditions as well as types of fish with this line.

On my spinning reels I use Trilene Extra Smooth Casting in 12lbs Low Vis Green...it works well for me...but you do have to have a "back" to get rid of line twists...I only use my spinning reel for Shakey Heads/Spot Stickers and weightless flukes....I use my bait casters for everything else...

I like FireLine 6lb or 8lb you can rip there lip's off. FireLine has No stretch, instant strike detection , you can feel em pickup the worm. and cut's weed's

just use a texas rig because they work for all reels

If you have been to a sporting goods store or walmart you probably have noticed there is a WHOLE BUNCH of different line manufacturers out there. Most of the major brands sponsor a professional fisherman who uses their line (for free) They get to use his boat and clothing for advertisement. So most of them are pretty good, or the pro wouldn't be using it. It's just a matter of choice which company you go with, but the size or lb test is determined by what kind of fishing your doing or how big your reel is.

I use a line that is called POWER PRO, it is a braided line. I can spool up a heavier lb test (20 lb) and it's actual size compares to a 8 lb test mono-filament line. It handles the same as the smaller line and is more sensitive to the bite like the smaller line. It is VERY tough, you need scissors to cut it a sharp knife can do it but not as easy as scissors. The down side is if it gets a knot, you might as well cut it out because it is extremely difficult to untie or untangle it. I have some friends who swear by it, and some friends who swear at it and will not use it at all.

I prefer Gamma High Performance Co-Polymer Line. It's a little hard to find in stores, but online go to Cabelas.com. Get the right line weight that applys for your reel and the type of fish you are going for.

I use Trilene, but really anything will work. You could try 8 pound test, to start. The pound test will depend on if you are fishing in open water, or where there is cover for the fish, like weeds. If you are fishing weed, you might want a little heavier line, since you will get snagged a bit there. Also, if you hook one in the weeds, then the fish will probably swim around those weeds, thus you will need more line strength to get them out.

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